
System of the business game

Special features of conveying knowledge management by means
of a business game – advantages over other approches

The advantages of our system lie in the concentration on the practical
skills, which are very difficult to teach by means of non-active approaches.
Theoretical knowledge and the professional pratice often differ substantianlly.
Therefore, knowledge management is a very complex issue for instructors
and it cannot be implemented without the ability to think networked and

Our business game enhances these skills by simulating complex systems.
This will result in an accelerated sensitization to problems. Our business
game will contribute to initiating new learning processes in order to overcome
existing thought patterns. Knowledge management presupposes the social
competence of knowledge carriers (especially executives and leading management), because the success of knowledge management mainly depends on the ability to communicate it appropriately to the employees and to make it tempting to them.

In our business game different approaches to motivate employees or to convince
the management can be tried playfully.

It is the aim of our business game to investigate to possibilties of implementing
knowledge management systems within a company.
It is further an appropriate
way of bringing home the importance of knowledge management for their job and
for the whole company to the employees. But for teaching theoretical basic
knowledge less active methods will be chosen.

In business games the follwoing abilities can be practiced especially well:

  • Understanding of economic relationships
  • Ability to communicate result-orientatedly
  • Promoting the ability to make decisions in complex situations
  • Formulating and achieving goals, developing and implementing strategies
  • Social skills for intercultural teamwork
  • Developing and testing adequate forms of organization and work
  • Networked thinking
  • Enhancing economic knowledge
  • Increasing motivation

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